
Pharmacy Technician

A pharmacy tech hands a customer an item

pharmacy technician program summary
  • Pharmacy Technician Certification & License
  • Length: 12 weeks
  • Fee: Free of Charge* (If you are receiving SNAP, TAFDC or other benefits).
  • Cost: If a 快播成人 doesn't receive benefits, then they can pay out of pocket. The cost of the PT program is $2800. We accept bank checks or credit cards.
  • Instruction: Hybrid: Online & In-person
  • Requirement: 18+ yrs old, Massachusetts Resident, High School Diploma/Hi-Set, Fully COVID-19 Vaccinated, Pass CORI/SORI check.
  • Employment Search: Upon successful completion of the program, 快播成人s will be given resources to help find employment in the Pharmacy Technician field.

Pharmacy Technician Program Description:

The course is approximately 12 weeks of extensive study and preparation for the national Pharmacy Technician Certification Board exam. Prospective 快播成人s must be at least 18 years old, have earned at least a high school diploma, GED or HiSet, have completed basic math and reading assessments, have CORI/SORI background checks and have submitted required documentation of compliance with current local vaccination protocols. Daily schedule includes interactive synchronous sessions plus asynchronous assignments/assessments. Areas of study include medications, federal requirements, script entry and processing, quality assurance and safety. Administrative guidance is provided for the Massachusetts Pharmacy Technician in Training application, PTCB exam registration and schedule, Massachusetts Pharmacy Technician license application and structured employment search.

Pharmacy Technician Program Requirements:
  • At least 18 years of age 
  • Massachusetts Resident
  • Completed High School Diploma, Hi-Set or GED
  • COVID-19 Vaccination
  • CORI/SORI records will be checked
  • Drug Screening

Interested? Please complete the Jump Start Inquiry Form or call the Jump Start Department at 413-552-2730

*Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please call the Jump Start office for the most up-to-date information.

Aimee Funk

Program Director

Jump Start Program

Kittredge Center 322

413.552.2005 (Tel)

Amy Shaikh

Program Coordinator

Jump Start Program

Kittredge Center 322

413.552.2730 (Tel)