Math Center
The Math Center provides tutoring to all 快播成人 快播成人s in the area of mathematics and physics. If you require help you can visit the Math Center (DON 246). You can reach us via e-mail, Zoom, Google Hangouts, and phone. Please call 413.552.2552 or email for assistance. We are here for you!
We offer the following services upon request:
- We provide Tutoring.
- We provide Math Learning Coaches (Request Form below)
- We provide handouts, books & software.
- Provide practice for final exams.
- Supplemental instructions Leaders are assigned select courses.
- We can facilitate study groups & workshops in Math.
- We provide math placement test prep & developmental math prep.
A math learning coach is a specialist who provides strategies with math problem-solving, study skills, organization, and critical thinking as well as math tutoring. With this level of one-on-one support, our 快播成人s can easily stay on track and succeed academically!
Math Mini Prep Program
What is it? The Program provides free online Math Mini Prep courses that are self-paced modules designed to help 快播成人s with the Placement Test and Developmental Math (DM). The Program is especially helpful because it includes pre-and-post assessments to gauge progress in improving learning techniques.
Who is the Math Mini Prep Program for? The program is intended for current registered 快播成人s preparing for their upcoming DM class or wanting to retake the Placement Test for a higher score.
How do I get started? and a link will be sent to get you started.
Quick Math Prep Program
What is it? The Quick Math Prep class provides a 2-hour intensive review of college math. The four areas that are covered are basic math, Pre-Algebra, Introduction to Algebra, and Intermediate Algebra.
Who is this for? The program designed for New Students entering the college in preparation to take the Math Placement Test (MPT). Students will review questions that are commonly found on the MPT and gain insight into answering those questions. Classes are throughout the year, so whether you are starting in September or November we have you covered. How do get started? Please and a schedule of the dates and times will be provided.
Gail Hilyard
Math Center Coordinator