
Wikimedia Commons


  • is a media file repository that is completely dedicated to providing educational media that are released either in the public domain or under Creative Commons license.
  • The website may not have a fancy look, but its simple structure allows users to easily find license information of the images and adopt them.

How to search for the CC licensed image in Wikimedia

  1. The easiest way to search for an image in Wikimedia is using the search window.Screenshot of Wikimedia Search field circled
  2. You will see the list of images available matching the keyword.Screenshot of Wikimedia search results page
  3. Click one of the images. To check the license information, scroll down the page. You will see the licensing information under Licensing.
    Wikimedia licensing information


License Setting

All images are either released under CC licenses or in the public domain. There is no default CC license, so you have to double check the license information.

Sample Attribution

by Kathy Bradley @ is licensed under .

Source:  by is licensed under


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