
TED talks


  • provides thousands of inspiring talks.
  • Past presenters include Bill Clinton, Jane Goodall, Malcolm Gladwell, Al Gore, Gordon Brown, Richard Dawkins, Bill Gates, Bono, Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and many Nobel Prize winners.

License Setting

  • TED Videos are not officially licensed with any kind of open licensing. However, TED allows the users to freely view and download the videos without restraint. The website is provided as a public service to promote the spread of good ideas.
  • Even though the website is provided as a public service and TED has not clarified how they wish to be cited, it is still a good practice to provide a proper attribution when adopting a video from TED.

How to find a video in TED

It is pretty straightforward. Simply go to and find a talk using the search options. 

Source:  by is licensed under


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